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If after 60 days you find that our product isn't the right fit for you, there's no need to worry. Simply resend it to us, and we wil...
If after 60 days you find that our product isn't the right fit for you, there's no need to worry. Simply resend it to us, and we wil...
This year, we celebrated record-breaking sales since the pandemic, adjusted our prices for the first time in eight years due to rising fuel and tr...
At Van der Waal we usually do a different Black Friday, giving part of the profits to some ONGs or causes (last year to the surf therapy associatio...
The idea of moving from my house to a new space began when I started to notice some shame in my daughter about inviting friends over to the house...
We understand that surf wax can be considered part of the fun of surfing. The preparation ritual, almost a meditative part that prepare us for ou...
Why? To be honest, pure curiosity. We know that surf is a very volatile sport. Surfing depends on so many factors - like ocean conditions, surfer f...
Van der Waal surf grips are extremely easy to apply. Unlike common front deck pads that just cover a part of your surfboard, our hexagonal surf tr...
I never imagined, when I challenged my friend Afonso to create with me an alternative to wax, that our little project would grow consistently...
We are really happy and proud to have another tester in our team: Bruno Degert. As you may know, we don’t sponsor athletes in order to have more pr...
Since day one that we are driven by this joyful feeling of experimenting. No matter if you succeed or not, the joy of fail and error and surpass th...
About the first question… it’s simple: when we started Van der Waal, profit was not our main goal. We dreamed about creating a great surf wax alter...
No need to say that I don’t love the idea behind Black Friday. Most of the time I just watch companies highering product prices a few weeks before ...
Surf wax has been here for ages and it’s still the industry standard to keep the surfer from slipping off the board when paddling out or riding a ...
Despite we are a business, with sales goals to achieve, we never have been a standard profit-oriented business. Of course that we want to make sale...
Saturday, 19 will be International Surfing Day. As explained in Wikipedia: “International Surfing Day, held annually on the third Saturday of June...
One of the advantages of a modular traction pad as Van der Waal, is the capability to adjust to any surfboard layout, size, and surfing style (ie b...
As a sport, surf is probably one of the most fickle ones. It depends on so many factors and scenarios that predicting what gear will work or not (a...
VAN DER WAAL IS A GRIP SOLUTION INTRODUCED IN 2016 AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO SURF WAX.To start, let’s consider that a surf wax bar costs, on average, 3€...
We started to test Van der Waal in 2015 and in 2016 we officially launched as product our Performance Series 1.0. Afonso was still working at his f...
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